Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Snap Shot: Fujifilm X100

So I was waiting to make a post about the Fuji-film X100 until Dpreview had come out with there review. The camera is definitely sexy and eye catching but I wanted to know more, to make sure that its performance was on par with its styling. Overall, its gotten pretty rave reviews and you will have major street cred if this baby is slung around your neck.

Music To Your Ears: Lupe Fiasco | LASERS

So Lupe Fiasco's latest release Lasers, has to be one of the best records released this year. With hits including but not limited to Letting Go, Till I Get There, and The Show Goes On, the album is definitely worth the $10.99 that iTunes is currently charging. Treat your ears and grab this cd. Currently On Tour.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Call of Duty: Sneaker Edition

Keds has launched a Century Collection of shoes and this month is "Call of Duty". Khaki and camouflage give these 1940's Men's military-inspired shoes a bold, brave look. Leather binding and rawhide laces make this exclusive shoe strong enough to take on any challenge. Pretty awesome if you ask me. $55 at

Your New Espresso Machine.

Quickmill is the maker of this fine machine that is handcrafted in Italy and this particular model goes by the name of Andreja. Its going to cost you an arm and leg but compared to a La Marzocco its a drop in the bucket. All I know is you will spend more at Starbucks in 2 years than you will on this machine that may last you 20. Enough Said.

Back To School Edition: O'Hanlon Mills Colorblock Backpack

Photo: Urban Outfitters
Sick. With the danger of potentially being a little hipsterish, (but well worth it) this backpack by O'Hanlon Mills and at $38.00 is a deal. Urban Outfitters currently has this in stock, but nothing good lasts forever so get on it!

Why A Verizon iPhone No Longer Matters.

The iPhone on Verizon once was a "unicorn" everyone wanted. This is no longer the case. With a 4 year AT&T exclusivity, it was only obvious that the Android handset would explode with a lack of options engulfing all other carriers. 

In AT&T's defense, I must say being able to surf the web (data) and talk on the phone at the same time is pretty rad and only AT&T offers this feature out of all the carriers. 

It does look like Verizon will be getting the iPhone in the next few months, but will it be a too little too late situation? Meanwhile Android handsets continue to fly off the shelves. The End.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Back To The Future Edition: Hover Board

Ummm. So Okay, Be prepared to be blown away. The guys over at have highlighted an artist by the name of Nils Guadagnin who has created the hover board from Back to the Future. Even though you cant really stand on it, its still sweet to think that this tech could be ported to automobiles and other various modes of transport. SICK.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Brand Awareness: Hard Graft

photo credit: Hard Graft

So there is an absolutely positively brilliant "case" maker by the name of Hard Graft and I think they are so special I am doing a follow up post as they have expanded their product line. Essentially they make laptop - iPad - iPhone - Mp3 - Ect - Cases that are both quality and design conscious. They have recently updated their website, I know because it was down for all of April when I was trying to get an iPhone case. In closing stop buying the tacky 2004 Incase "cases" to protect all your techno-toys and finally show up to the coffee bar with a piece of fresh in your hand.

Monday, April 5, 2010

TV is for your EYES; The Life and Times of Tim.

So One of My Favorite TV Shows for the last two years has been The Life and Times of Tim. Usually I love everything HBO but this show really really makes my week. So my recommendation for everyone reading this is to make yourself as happy as me and start watching this show!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Pushing those F-Stops: The Noktor Hyper Prime 50mm

If you are looking for any new tools to help develop your creativity when shooting, look no further than this new Noktor Hyper Prime 50mm lens. At F/0.95 this lens gives new meaning to shooting wide open.
As of right now it is only available for the Micro Four Thirds format but I think if it does well it will move onto the Canon and Nikon mounts as well. Expect to see this ship around April 15th for $750. More info at